Thursday 29 September 2011

Reflecting on how my research is going so far with A2

I am trying to be very thorough with my research, by analysing everything and finding photos and videos to back up my research. This often means that I fall behind and have to go back to tasks, which is getting everything a bit muddled up on my blog. Also I have been trying to look at more than just the minimum requirement to get a better understanding of the tasks and hopefully boost my grade. Me and the person I am working with have already exchanged mobile numbers so that we can keep in touch outside of the lessons as well to exchange ideas and let the other know of any circumstances which may arise and effect the project. Also we will book any equipment which we want to take out, and plan to use lighting and will need to book out the music studio. I think that with my research so far I still need to broaden the amount of resources which I am looking at, maybe but looking for them in magazines and looking at their merchandise.
Since AS I think my research skills have improved a lot, because my knowledge of sources have widened as l have been looking on the online shopping websites which sell their music and their own websites as well as just the YouTube clips of them performing. I am also including in my blog and experimenting with every idea which I have to try and get the best out-come overall. This year we will plan out our shoots better by keeping a more rigorous time schedule, because last time we didn’t plan out the whole thing at the start, and although there wasn’t any issues with it, this video is going to have a lot of cuts, and with lots of different scenes, so it will be nice to have a good idea about what we are going to do, how we are doing to do it, and when would be the best time. Especially as we would like to film in the woods at dusk when it’s looking dingy, so will have to pick a night when the weather is right. Plus I would like to experiment with different techniques more this year, to learn more about lighting, filters and other effects. I would like to put a blue filter on a lot of the shots, especially those in the woods and outside to make the video feel cold as well as being a link to the references to water.
I need to improve on my lip syncing, as it appeared to be a weakness especially in the ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ video and ruins the whole video. To do this I will make sure that whenever filming a clip where lip-syncing is taking place, I will play the ‘Monster’ song whilst filming, so the character knows which part they are meant to be doing, and keeps it in time. Also one of the effects in the AS video were pointless and didn’t make sense to the audience, and so we need to make sure that both of us know why the other has added something in and discuss it.
To try to impress the examiner I need to start keeping a list of the websites I have got the information from and magazines or other media forms I have looks at, so the examiner knows that I have been thorough with my research. Also being creative with the camera angles and shots fits in with the stylistic qualities of the pop punk rock genre, so will be able to link and back up the decision to use any type of shot.

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