Thursday 8 September 2011

Indie Music Video Analysing

·        Performance + narrative
·       Split screen: shows 2 people who are in separate places; also just effects for entertainment used whilst characters are dancing
·        Pastel colours effect on camera lens with filter, gives it a calm feel
·        Lip syncing in ordinary sceneries such as kitchen, garden and doorway
Changed the way you kiss me:
·        Performance
·        Black and white filter throughout
·        Performing in front of audience concentrating on them enjoying the music and dancing to it. Flashing disco lights shows it is suitable to be played in a club
·        Close up of washing face in mirror at the beginning, then in a car going somewhere
·        Slow motion highlights a change in tempo of the music. Rapid cuts highlights the climax in the music
Won’t go quietly:
·        Performance
·        Similar to ‘Changed the way you kiss me’ as they are performing in a club, keeps cutting to one girl in the club as if they are singing it to her.

Rolling in the Deep:
·        Performance + narrative
·        Lip syncing whilst sitting on a chair
·        Set in a big house with not much props or colour
·        Zooming in and out, which get faster towards the climax
·        Dancer in a dusty white room holding a stick and wearing a flowing dress which moves around the dust
·        Smashed plates shows anger in the song, which contradicts her soft voice
Someone Like You (performed in her home):
·        Performance
·        Close ups on the faces of Adele and her pianist
·        Concentrates on the performers rather than the location and there isn’t an audience or characters acting out the narrative. Instead uses objects which would be found in any home to show the narrative of the song. Such as the mirror which shows her reflection of thoughts
·        Doesn’t use her home to portray her wealth, which shows she isn’t a show off or arrogant.
·        Adele doesn’t move when singing and wears modest clothes, but it’s even more so in this video
Someone like you (official video)       
·        Narrative
·        Set in a home,
·        Uses actors as the characters, and never shows Adele singing
·        Cuts to photos and pages of information about the characters
·        Uses zoom, panning, rapid cuts, blur, filters and other shots and effects for emotional impact

Bloc Party:
·        Performance
·        Includes bands playing their instruments and lip syncing
·        Special effects used to cut between the musicians and some to show them to be playing in a group
·        Set in an empty flat where they are playing in the centre of the rooms
·        More to entertain and show the band and rock culture, than to portray a narrative

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