Thursday 26 January 2012

Peer Feedback on Music video

We played our video to our class who then gave feedback of their opinions. The feedback was that it was professional looking, and included that the miming was done well because it was lip synced correctly and the singer looked as though she was getting into the music and taking on a character which showed good acting. They said this was also the case with the narrative, so we both looked comfortable which made the video more enjoyable to watch. They also liked the effects we used which included shooting in monochrome for the studio clips and the overlay effect to look like there were 3 of the same girl running through the woods. The different locations worked and looked thought out to the audience which makes me think they didn’t feel confused at any point and there were no continuity issues. Another comment was that they liked the way we zoomed into the instruments which we got someone to play, which was actually because the person we used didn’t want his face to be shown in it, but this way of working around it appears to have worked in our favor.
The improvements which were said were that we could have used close-ups on the singers face whilst she was performing in the woods, and could have made some of the longer shots a bit shorter. Also the camerawork was a bit wobbly at times which was because we forgot a piece of the tripod when we went filming in Apley Woods so had to do the whole thing handheld.
I asked someone for their interpretation of the meaning of the video and they said:
'the girl who was singing represented the two sides of performing
the business side, as seen in the studio
and the emotional side, in the forest
and the business side of things was 'turning her into a monster'
so she sings in the forest, but with a mic, as a constant reminder of the monster she has to give in to, or something'

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