Thursday 14 July 2011

Summary of Digipak

We drew lines on the inside of the thumb and forefinger to exaggerate the shapes made with the hands, then we took the photos of the hands shaped as the letters 'QUEEN'. We used a DSLR for these photos on macro setting, and a plain grey wall found in the new building in college for the background. We tried a white wall as well but it didnt look as good. Then one of us in our group wrote 'QUEEN' on her hand and we photographed that.
In Photoshop I opened up all the images, then merged all the pages together onto the right hand side of the template which was sent to my by my tutor, into one and resized the photos so they fit together like they do now. Then I exaggerated the contract and brightness and changed the tone so it went had a purple tint.
For the image on the left I just opened it up onto the template and changed the size to fit the page, no further editing was done to that photo, except the text 'Bohemian Rhapsody' which I added over the top and chose the font for.
Then I coloured in the centre section of the template using the paint brush, the moved the images either side to cover the wobbly lines, I used the colour selection tool to choose a colour which fitted in with the purple used in the right hand side images. Then used the text tool to write the name of the song and artist, and turned it 90' to form the spine.

Practice Digipak

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Summary of Busted Remake

We watched the original Busted video and picked out characters who we casted out of the class who would be who. We also chose 2 cameramen and a director. Our teacher played the music for us at the time we were filming to make it easier to know where the footage fit within the song, and so the lip syncing would go better. I wasnt in for the first day of the filming, but was for the second which were the outside scenes and a few of the classroom. We set up the classroom so it was in rows so it looked better and more stereotypically school like than the tables being in a semi circle which is how they usually are. We had to wait until it had stopped raining to do the fiming outside and in the end filmed under the bridge so had people from college walking past to get to and from lessons who you could occasionally see in the background.
The editing i did in final cut which was easier than i thought it was going to be. Even though we filmed it as a class we all edited it individually, which helped me

Busted Remake Video